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New Canadian Opt-In Regulations - How to Manage?

edited June 2014 in Questions

There's new legislation in Canada where all subscribers specifically need to opt-in to e-mail lists.

We need a way to take all our current Canadian subscribers, send them an e-mail and have them click a single button to confirm their desire to continue being subscribed to our list. Does anyone have an idea on how to handle this? The goal is for them to be able to confirm without filling out any information and make it as convenient as possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi,

    Here’s the simplest way and most convenient way:

    1. Create a simple page with a simple message saying ‘Thank you, your subscription has been confirmed’.
    2. Get the URL to this page, put this URL in your newsletter and ask your users to click on it to confirm their subscription to your mailing list.
    3. In your campaign report, you can export a CSV of all recipients who clicked a particular link. Export the CSV of recipients who clicked that link and import them into a new list.
    4. In future, only send emails to that list.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

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