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Why not using the official AWS SDK ?

edited March 2013 in Questions


I explored a little bit the code of Sendy. The classes "SimpleEmailService", "AmazonSES" and "PHPMailer" seem to be unofficial classes. Is there any particular reasons why you doesn't use the official AWS SDK for PHP ?

Thank you.


  • Hi @etagrats,

    The unofficial classes are more lightweight and classes like PHPMailer have more functionality (eg. attachments support, third party SMTP support) suited for this kind of application.

    Some classes are also heavily modified (eg. amazonses class) in order to use both single and multi-threading to send emails depending on what kind of emails are sent, eg. bulk emails for campaigns, autoresponder emails, confirmation emails etc.

    Using specific classes for specific actions means less code is needed at runtime. AWS SDK contains everything in the SES API, using it for specific actions only when needed is not optimized at all.



  • edited March 2013

    Ok but I asked this question because I think the SimpleEmailService class is based on a pretty old version of the official SDK. Besides, I think SimpleEmailService hasn't been updated since 2011. Am I right and could it be problematic in the future ?

    Thanks again !

  • The functions in SimpleEmailService class has been continually updated by me when needed. There's nothing to worry about. :)

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