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AWS SES - DKIM setting

edited July 2024 in Questions

Hello. I've had SES setup for years using Sendy. I was looking at adding the DKIM but lost in the SES directions. I have identities in SES, but not a domain. I am using my root domain email address that is hosted on Office 365. Is there simple step by step directions for SES.


  • Hi,

    When you verify a domain in your Amazon SES console, you're asked to create 3 x CNAME records. Create the 3 x CNAME records and your domain will be verified. DKIM is automatically set up as well when your domain is verified in your Amazon SES console.

    When your domain is verified in your Amazon SES console, you don't need to verify any individual email addresses belonging to the domain that you have just verified. You can use any 'From email' belonging to the verified domain to send emails in Sendy.

    If you are sending emails through Sendy using a web mail email address (e.g.,, as the 'From email', and you do not own the domain, it is not recommended. To avoid your emails from going straight to your recipient's spam folder, use a 'From email' address with a domain that you own.

    Best regards,

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