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Monthly subscriptions [Delivery Fee / Cost per recipient / PayPal]

edited January 2013 in Questions

Hi guys,
I'm in the decision making process and really considering to buy Sendy to manage email marketing campaigns for our clients.
I've got only last problem regarding the payment model.
We use a monthly subscription model beside a pay per campaign.
How can we do that in Sendy?
Is Paypal the only way to get payed from the client? Or we can skip Paypal?

I hope you understand my questions.

Thank you in advance.


  • Hi @mitchcol74,

    We use a monthly subscription model beside a pay per campaign. How can we do that in Sendy?

    There is no monthly subscription in model at this time.

    Is Paypal the only way to get payed from the client?

    Yes PayPal is the only method.



  • Hi Ben,
    thank you very much for you reply.

    I still think that Sendy it's just a great product and I also understand that a monthly subscription model doesn't match the way Amazon works but there is any future plan to open the software to additional plugin for different payment system or for different subscription model?

    Thank you very much.

  • Another question?
    Can you decide to don't charge a client at all?
    Use 0 as fee?

  • Hi @mitchcol74,

    is any future plan to open the software to additional plugin for different payment system or for different subscription model?

    You never know. :)

    Can you decide to don't charge a client at all? Use 0 as fee?

    Yes you can. Don't set the price at all and the client can send for free.



  • edited January 2013


    Referring to your first question, @Ben's answer isn't entirely true because he is answering your question solely based on what's currently setup in Sendy. I had DPD (Digital Product Delivery--Aff link) integrate with the Sendy API and you can have people automatically subscribed upon payment for your subscription and you can set the cost to zero (though I don't know why you wouldn't just run those subscribers through a normal subscriber form).

    DPD has a subscription model and a plethora of payment providers like PayPal, Stripe, Payza,, etc., and you can even give your buyers/subscribers a choice of payment method. We saw payments increase when we offered Stripe alongside PayPal because many people get confused and frustrated by PayPal's process and continual badgering to setup an account prior to payment if you don't have a PayPal account.

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