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Resuming a campaign

edited September 2012 in Questions
How does Sendy recover from an error while sending a campaign? I have a list which contains 4500 emails and it looks like Sendy stopped sending after 1500. It's possible the hosting service killed the php process because it was taking too long. I don't see where Sendy keeps track of the list of users it has already sent to.


  • Yes your server has timed out the process. Configuration varies from server to server so use the resume function when this happens.

    Sendy send emails in order of unique auto incremented 'ids' and keeps track of the total number already sent to. When sending stopped because server times out, the resume function (when clicked) send emails in order of unique auto incremented 'ids' again, but this time with an offset of the total number already sent to. There are also other conditions as far as the resume function is concerned.
  • Could you point me where is the resume function? The campaign status still shows Sending.
  • Found it. I didn't notice the link before.
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