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When subject line contains non-ASCII characters and quote marks/apostrophes, it gets garbled

edited March 2013 in Troubleshooting

Problem: when creating double-opt-in confirmation message, which subject contains non-ASCII (say, Russian) characters and quote marks /apostrophes, the following happens:

  • when user receives such a message, Subject line is broken - at least one character is displayed something like \xD9\xE2
  • when I re-open mailing list settings, the subject line in question is trimmed - everything starting from quote mark/apostrophe is gone

When quote marks/apostrophes aren't used, no problem occurs.


  • Hi @temmokan,

    Can you provide the subject line in question and I'll test it here.



  • No problem. It's in Russian:

    Пожалуйста, подтвердите подписку на рассылку "Библиотека в облаках"

  • I tested this subject line and it turned out fine though:

    What's the character set of your database? Here's how mine looks like:

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