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View Report Errors- Subjectless Campaign Cant Be Clicked, Mail Opened Shows 0

edited September 2012 in Troubleshooting
On trying to send test email campaigns
strangenly enough its not showing mails opened reports, even though it shows me url opened data..

the error below "All countries" is this
Warning: array_unique() [function.array-unique]: The argument should be an array in /mysendypath/report.php on line 613

Also when an email campaign is sent without a subject (lets say by mistake ever), how do you even click on it to go to the report. right now there isnt any way.

Also can you pls tell me how to add the unsubsribe button at the button.. im very confused. sometime it shows, sometime it doesnt. is there page where i can get the proper instructions for this.



  • "On trying to send test email campaigns
    strangenly enough its not showing mails opened reports, even though it shows me url opened data.."

    Ben: Did you have 'images turned on' in your email client when viewing the email? If images are are turned off, opens cannot be tracked. This is the same for all email marketing applications in the market.

    "the error below "All countries" is this
    Warning: array_unique() [function.array-unique]: The argument should be an array in /mysendypath/report.php on line 613"

    Ben: This is a 'warning', not a bug or error. I suggest you turning off 'display_errors' in php.ini on your server. If you're not sure how to do this, ask your host.

    "Also when an email campaign is sent without a subject (lets say by mistake ever), how do you even click on it to go to the report. right now there isnt any way."

    Ben: We'll have form validation site-wide in 1.0.8 onwards.

    "Also can you pls tell me how to add the unsubsribe button at the button.. im very confused. sometime it shows, sometime it doesnt. is there page where i can get the proper instructions for this."

    Ben: Let me give you some examples. Say you want to turn this text, 'unsubscribe here', into an unsubscribe link:

    <unsubscribe>unsubscribe here</unsubscribe>

    If you want to turn an image into an unsubscribe

    <unsubscribe><img src="images/unsubscribe-button.jpg"/></unsubscribe>
  • ok but i still cant get the unsubscriber to work. i have tried to paste
    Unsubscribe here with the WYSIWYG turned off and turned on. it just doesnt send any clickable link. it is arriving to the mailbox as a text Unsubscribe here
  • Are you sending a test email by clicking 'Test send this newsletter' button?

    Unsubscribe links will only be active when you send out a newsletter for real.
  • No i was duplicating a campaign and sending it. it wasnt takin in the hyperlink. i tried with a fresh campaign and it happened as of now.
  • I tested sending a campaign on your account. The email is exactly what you composed and the unsubscribe link works:

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