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Cron executing OK but nothing happens

edited March 2013 in Troubleshooting

I created a campaign to send inmediately, but nothing happens, the state is SENDING but it stays at 0%...
The cron is configured and working, I run it manually but nothing happens...

I clicked "Resume" and it started to send but stops at 720 recipients...

If I run the cron manually again and the same...nothing (but I'm 100% that the cron is working, I see the pid running on the server)

I'm using the latest version, yesterday everything works fine until I had to delete a campaign because I made a mistake and there is no way to pause or stop...after that the problems began...

Any help pls?


  • Hi,

    I understand you are 100% sure your cron job command is set correctly, but if the status says "Sending" and stays at 0%, the cron is not executing the sending script.

    I clicked "Resume" and it started to send but stops at 720 recipients...

    Your server timed out due to memory exhaustion. If the cron job is setup correctly, you don't have to click "Resume", the cron job will automatically execute the sending script in the next iteration to resume sending if your server times out.

    Please verify that your cron job is setup correct or double check with your host if you need to.



  • Ben,

    Thanks for your response, believe me, I'm 100% sure that is running, I understand that you have a lot of users that make this simple mistake.

    Like I said, I ran it manually and still not sending...

    www-data@vm-184-173-169-98:~/psicofxp4/current/sendy$ cd /var/www/psicofxp4/current/sendy; /usr/bin/php5 -f scheduled.php
    You have new mail in /var/mail/www-data

    I've checked the campaigns table and I see that something happens when I ran the cron:

    And then:


  • BenBen
    edited March 2013


    With regards to the screenshots, this happens when scheduled.php is doing its timeout checks. If you're seeing this that means your cron job is working.

    Going back to your original comment:

    I created a campaign to send inmediately, but nothing happens, the state is SENDING but it stays at 0%...

    Did you set your cron job interval to */5 (every 5 mins) as per the cron setup instructions? If so, have you waited at least 5 minutes for the cron job to execute the scheduled.php script to perform the send before clicking "Resume"?



  • Yes, is set to 5 minutes. I waited more than 5 minutes, more than half an hour...

    I clicked on resume again and it stoped at 1530 like you saw on the screenshot.

  • This is very strange though. You PHP command works via SSH but your cron job that uses the same command does not.

    I clicked on resume again and it stoped at 1530 like you saw on the screenshot.

    Once again, your server timed out.

    Can you give me a little information about server configuration, is it Apache/Linux and what company are you hosting with? Is it a shared or VPS server?



  • Linux/Nginx, it's a VPS at Softlayer.

    Something that I don´t understand...yesteday I sent 160000 emails perfectly using cron... :s

  • If you were able to send 160,000 emails perfectly yesterday, there're no issues with Sendy's code. There're no known bugs with sending and auto-resume at this time as well. It has something to do with your server's ability to handle 160,000 emails (which is huge).

  • We have 4 servers with 16 cores each to handle traffic for our main site (500.000) visits per day. We use vBulletin for the forums with 2.7 millons users, 160.000 mails is nothing, we send 60.000 every day automatically with vbulletin using Amazon SES (our limit is 1MM mails per day).

    I understand that there is no problem with the code but if I bought your product at least I need help from you to make it works.

  • Hi,

    Got it, you have an extremely powerful server. But that puzzles me even more; your cron job is working, you were able to send perfectly yesterday and you have a super computer to send emails, but it just doesn't send today.

    Can you check your server log to see what is the hold up? Please disregard "PHP Notices" or "PHP warnings", look out for "PHP Errors" in the error log and let me know what you find?



  • I think I found the problem! The only difference with the campaign sent yesterday is that i sent it to only one list, today I tried to send it to 3 lists. So, I tested that assumption and deleted the campaign and started a new one with only one list as recipients... and now It's WORKING!!!!

    Pls check this bug, because definitely It´s a problem in the code.


  • Hi Ismael,

    I just test sent a campaign to 3 lists and the email was sent without any problems. I cannot reproduce this issue though.

    The sending code that grabs all the subscribers in the combination of lists that you've selected has been the same since day one. If there is a bug with sending to multiple lists, I guess lots of users would have already reported it a very long time ago.

    But I'm glad you worked around your issue.



  • Ok. If I have time I'll try to debug the code to see what's happening with more than one list...just a question, did u tried with more than 1k-2k emails in each list to force the cron do the job?

  • Hi Ismael,

    just a question, did u tried with more than 1k-2k emails in each list

    I just did. I've also recorded a video to demonstrate →

    Note that I've shortened the video so you don't have to sit through the whole sending process, but this is to show that the cron job works and sending to multiple lists works as well.



  • Ok! Tnx. I'm just trying to understand why it doesn´t work for me...

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