Performance Tuning : EC2/Ubuntu
I'm working on tuning my EC2 instance (m1.small) to maximise the speed. I'm running Ubuntu / Apache 2/Php5. Using also FPM/FastCGI.
So far I got a sending rate of 2 per sec (SES quota is Max Send rate 5 per sec).
Few questions:
Is there a way to find out exactly the sending rate ? the UI only display the time from the starting sending, not the full time being used to send everything. I checked the DB, the send_date is NULL. I'm using my watch but not really accurate to know if my server tweaking are working or not !
Any tips/advices on tweaking the server ?
thank you !
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Forgot to mention: I already increase the memory_limit to 1028M
Hi Matthieu,
May I know how many emails you're sending to, and is your newsletter size relatively big (a lot of code)? Note that each email is converted to base64 before transferring to Amazon. Base64 converted code is 33% larger than the original code. Multiply this by your SES send rate in which Sendy base the number of emails to transfer per iteration, sometimes you may not reach the full speed.
Also in my experience, Sendy performs faster on Amazon Linux AMI than Ubuntu. Users reporting slow sending speed are always using Ubuntu.
Not at this time.
I'm running test with catchall email, sending to 300 emails, newsletter is really small , simply the word "test" with the web version link
I'll check the Linux AMI, guess may find some tweaking ideas there.
thank you
My quota have been increased today to 100K per day / 28 per sec. So without touching my setup I can send at 5 emails per sec VS 2 per sec yesterday with the basics quota.
It would be great to have a "Test Speed" feature using Amazon mailbox simulator ;-)
Hi Matthieu,
Amazon mailbox simulator is not used for testing speed. It's used for testing bounces, complaints etc using their test emails.
Based on my understanding, it's possible to use it for test speed.
In page you can see:
" Find your system’s maximum throughput without using up your daily sending quota."
Also on the bottom : "When you send emails to the mailbox simulator, you will be limited by your maximum send rate."
So logically we should be able to send 1000 emails to a list containing 1000 "", then it should help to test the speed of the setup.
I tried by inserting 1000 into one mailing list (using SQL), but of course when sending only send to one.
Of course I may have misunderstood ?
Hi Matthieu,
You may be right: "Find your system’s maximum throughput without using up your daily sending quota."
But I can't find more detailed information other than to 'assume' we can send multiple emails to the same simulator email address to test for sending speed.