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Not sending all emails in campaign

edited April 2014 in Troubleshooting

I have just one brand and one list of 5,083 active subscribers. Sent a campaign last week no problem. Sent a campaign today to 5,083 and Sendy reports job completed and only sent to 2,195 recipients. Cron job is working fine, at 30 seconds. No resume available, because Sendy has completed sending! I looked at the reports, and notice that the link URLs are repeated twice - the first set of URLs clicked appear correct, then following that the duplicate set has all zeros.

Where have the other 2,888 gone? Strange that Sendy says the job is completed and reports 2,195 when I sent it to the master list of 5,083 active emails. Have looked at the list, cannot find anything wrong.

How can I get a list of emails that were sent, so I can send the campaign again to those that did not get sent?


  • Hi,

    Cron job is working fine, at 30 seconds.

    Is your cron job for scheduled.php running at every 30 seconds instead of every 5 minutes as officially documented? If you do anything out of what's officially documented you run the risk of the application not working as intended.

    Best regards,

  • Ah, ok thanks Ben, my mistake. I will correct that.
    Is there a way of extracting a list of those that have not been sent?

  • Hi,

    To send to the remaining recipients, try the following (after changing your cron job to run every 5 mins):

    1. Login to your database via phpmyadmin
    2. Go to the 'campaigns' table
    3. Change the value of the 'to_send' column to 5083

    Your campaign should resume sending between 5 to 10 minutes.

    Best regards,

  • Simple - this is brilliant! I was going about the long way of creating a subset of the master list and scheduling another campaign and worrying if I am going to duplicate some sends or miss some sends!

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