Import Process - Invalid emails reports
Hi @Ben
we think that are a functionality that it is very important and is missing on sendy.
we have several reports but not this,
for example i import this:
on that scenario, only 2 address are imported, and that is correct, but the wrong one, doesnt exist in any place, so we dont have control on that, or the chance to fix some typo,
for example a client provide a 1000 emails database, and import only 900 (besides duplicates off course), so i need to send to my client an csv with the 100 invalid email addreses
do you think that can be implemented?
+1 for this, would like to be able to see the emails that did not upload.
+1 here as well. Would be great to have a list of duplicates as well as invalid emails.
Isn't this a pretty simple manual process? Export 900 email list from Sendy to Excel/OpenOffice, open the original 1000 email list in Excel/OpenOffice and from there it's a simple process to have excel spit out the addresses that aren't duplicated across both lists (and thus there are errors)
+1 for this too.
Although @sellouts is right, it would be much easier if sendy would just show an error report after import. Could be an email with an attached txt file in the case the user has used a cronjob to import a huge list.
+1 for this suggestion