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Subscribe user to another list by clicking a link in an email

edited February 2015 in Questions


I am trying to figure out how I can subscribe user to another list.

I have two lists. One is "Initial Signup" and Second is "Confirmed List"

When my user is subscribed to "Initial Signup" I send them a drip email immediately to ask them to confirm their registration, the link actually would subscribe them to another list.

I am doing this so that I can capture the people who have just opted in as well as users who have confirmed their subscription as well

How can I make use of Sendy API? Currently I am putting a href link of http://sendyurl/subscribe?email=[Email]&list=listcode_for_second_list

Help me please.



  • Hi,

    You can simplify this by setting your list as 'Double Opt-in' in your list settings. When someone signs up to the list, they'll receive an email asking them to click a link to confirm their subscription before they are 'confirmed' in the list.

    With regards to the API, you'd need to some programming knowledge to be able to use Sendy's API to integrate it into your application or website.


    Best regards,

  • Oh Thanks a lot, Since I switched from mailchimp, I did not notice the Unconfirmed Emails Tab in the dashboard.

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