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After fresh install, cannot get past login screen.

edited February 2015 in Troubleshooting

I have read the other posts of people that have had this problem, and I am unsure what to do next.

When I try to log in to Sendy ( It will briefly flash the dashboard then redirect back to the login screen.

I saw that the problem could be related to session.save_path not being set, so I uploaded this page here: which shows that it does have values set. I am not sure what to do next?


  • Hi,

    If you login and it brings you back to the login page without showing any error message, please see this ?

    I saw that the problem could be related to session.save_path not being set, so I uploaded this page here: which shows that it does have values set.

    The session.save_path may be set but it may not be set to the correct path or the directory isn't set to the right permission hence session variables cannot be saved. Please check with your hosting support if the session.save_path is set to the right value and the directory is set to the right permissions.


    Best regards,

  • Alright, one last question. I found I can log in to the sendy installation on the original computer/browser I installed it from but can't log in from the same computer/different browser. Does this point to the session.save_path thing or does it have something to do with cookies.....
    I will check with my host....I am using WPEngine so I kind of doubt they will be able to do anything.
    Thanks for your help

  • UPDATE: After chatting with WPEngine support, the fix was as simple as turning off their EverCache for my installation. The session.save_path settings were all correct, it was just their caching software that was interfering with things.
    You can find error logs in your user account to track down the problem.

    To anyone looking to use with WPEngine.....It works. I installed it using the same database as my WP installation. Just keep in mind that if you do a backup from a restore point, everything in the database (including the Sendy tables) is wiped and re-created....

    Also, the staging/development server does not use their caching software.

    Thanks for your help Ben.

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