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Amazon SES regions

edited January 2017 in Questions

What is the purpose of the Amazon SES regions? In AWS I setup the two regions that were available to me - Oregon and North Virginia. In Sendy I can select which of these regions to use.

What is the purpose of the SES regions and does it matter which one I use when sending email campaigns?


  • Hi,

    What is the purpose of the Amazon SES regions?

    Amazon SES servers are currently available in 3 regions of the world:

    1. US East (N. Virginia)
    2. US West (Oregon)
    3. EU (Ireland)

    Choose a region as near to the physical location of your hosting server that's hosting Sendy so that sending speed is the most optimum. Reason being - Sendy transfers emails from your hosting server to Amazon SES's server for sending. The closer your hosting server is to Amazon SES servers, the faster the transfer speed, hence the faster the sending speed.


    Best regards,

  • Thanks, Ben!

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