Bounces and spams stopped being registered in sendy
A few days ago I noticed that sendy is not registering bounces and spam complaints any longer. Apparently this stopped working sometime in december, although we have not changed any settings or configurations before that or after that. It worked perfectly fine until that. Amazon SES settings have also not been modified since the very beginning when we started using sendy.
Bounces are registered in Amazon SES, but not in sendy
sendy --> 2017-06-10 15.29.15.png?dl=0
amazon --> 2017-06-10 15.29.40.png?dl=0
As you can see, today according to amazon there have been almost 3000 bounces, but according to sendy, none at all. Spa complaints are also not registered
in Amazon SES these are the current notification settings for the domain we are sending with (we used the same settings before too when eveything worked fine)
Current notification configuration:
Email Feedback Forwarding:
Bounce Notifications SNS Topic:
Include Original Headers:
Complaint Notifications SNS Topic:
Include Original Headers:
Delivery Notifications SNS Topic:
Include Original Headers:
Since everything worked fine until december and we never made any changes to our ses or sendy setup, I wonder what may have caused this problem. Some update in amazon't end that would require that we install a new version of sendy?
The developer that originally set up sendy for us recommended that we reset bounce settings by running .../reset-cron.php which we did, but that didn't solve the problem
Anyone can help us understand what else we should try?
The 'reset-cron.php' script has nothing to do with 'bounces' and 'complaints' handling.
Try sending a test email in your Amazon SES console (not in Sendy) and see if your Amazon SES account has been suspended by Amazon:
Example screenshot:

If you see an error message that says your Amazon SES account has been suspended, please search your inbox as well as spam folder for Amazon’s email. See what's the reason Amazon suspended your account, then respond to it to reinstate your account. For more information on Amazon SES suspension, please see
Best regards,
Amazon is not suspended. I tried sending a test message and it arrived fine in my inbox. But this hasn't been a problem. Emails arrive fine to all subscribers, it is just that bounces and spam complaints are not registered in sendy (and hence not removed from list). Unsubscribes seem to work fine, though.

If they are in 'pending confirmation' status, please see →
Best regards,
They look all right to me, does not state pending anywhere: 2017-06-13 09.32.36.png?dl=0
Try using Amazon Mailbox Simulator emails to test if bounces and complaints handling between Amazon SES and your Sendy installation is working:
Create a list with the following 2 emails inside:
Then create a campaign and send it to the list.
See if they're both marked as 'bounced' and 'marked as spam' respectively?
Best regards,
Doing this helped me to test and identify the problem faster. Thanks. Problem is solved now.
The problem was that in Amazon SES I had verified both the sender domain and the sender email address. That caused confusion and the bounces did not register. By removing the email address from the verified email addresses list fixed the problem.