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Can't set up new brand - email 'pending verification'

edited June 2017 in Troubleshooting

When I initially set up the brand I entered an email I hadn't set up a mailbox for, so I didn't get the email (obviously).

I then set up the email and domain inside SES and verified it, but I am still getting the following error even after amazon sent me an email verifying it was set up:

'From email' pending verification: Your 'From email' or its domain is pending verification in your Amazon SES console. Please complete the verification.

Please advise.


  • Hi,

    When you check the verified email in your Amazon SES console, is the status 'Verified' or 'Failed'?


    Best regards,

  • Is the 'case' of both emails set in your Amazon SES console and Sendy the same? They're case sensitive.

  • Yes, both all lower case.

  • I think I may have just stumbled on it. I set up my email in the Oregon Region. But there is an unverified also in the N Virginia region which must of came from Sendy. I don't know why it went to that region. I will attempt to set that up and see if that handles it.

  • Yup that did it - and I found where to change my region :)

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