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Export data to a CSV file

edited May 2020 in Questions

I need to provide reports to my boss in an Excel spreadsheet, and it's a bit tedious to go through and look at each report manually to compile the numbers. I know I can "print" the reports to PDF files, but my boss wants the data in a spreadsheet so he can easily compare numbers. I tried using phpMyAdmin to create a query myself, but my knowledge is lacking. Does someone have a query that can select the following data and prepare it to exporting as a CSV file?

Subject line
# sent to
Unique opens
All opens
% open rate
Click through %
Unique clicks
Unsubscribed %
Bounced %

Thank you!


  • UP, also relevant for us

  • They should ADD export button on Housekeeping > Inactive subscribers. ADD on segments Last Open, Last Click. Some way to detect multiples emails on all list.

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