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Re-send double opt-in emails to people who didn't confirm subscription?

edited September 2020 in Questions

Hi, I really love sendy and we're able to do amazing things with it (especially since we added the BeePro import plugin and design our emails in BeePro). There's one thing I would like to see. It seems a lot of people don't get the first time around that they need to click the confirmation link in the double opt-in confirmation mail. Could there be an option to either automatically send a reminder if people still haven't confirmed after x number of days or an option the housekeeping section to "send a reminder now"? Ideally we could define different wording from the first one. Am I the only one who would find that helpful?


  • Hi,

    A double opt-in confirmation email should only be sent once. If you send it more than once the recipient may mark it as spam as they didn’t want to complete the signup in the first place. If enough people mark your emails as spam, Amazon will suspend your Amazon SES account. That's why double opt-in confirmation emails cannot be re-sent. A number of people already had their Amazon SES accounts suspended by Amazon because of this.


    Best regards,

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