I think I - finally! - found the root of the problem. Looks like with certain combinations of OS versions/ PHP versions the call curl_multi_select behaves strangely - it always returns -1. This caused the loop in the class.amazonses.php to be execu…
No, scratch that - it only made it deliver some emails... Ben, can you please help us to fix this issue?
Looks like I solved the problem. I changed the following line in class.amazonses.php:
$q2 = 'SELECT id, query_str, subscriber_id FROM queue WHERE campaign_id = '.$this->CampaignID.' LIMIT '.$ses_send_rate;
… -
We use Amazon Linux AMI release 2012.09 with Apache.
Hi Ben,
What I mean is the following:
From UI, it looks like the campaign quickly (once the cron job starts running) gets into "sending" state, and stays in it forever (well, for more than an hour). Since I am trying to send a test batch t…