API & Integrations

Sendy API

Sendy's API is based on simple HTTP POST. Use the API to integrate Sendy programmatically with your website or application. Some APIs may require the latest version of Sendy (currently version 6.1.1). We're working to include more APIs.

This method adds a new subscriber to a list. You can also use this method to update an existing subscriber. On another note, you can also embed a subscribe form on your website using Sendy's subscribe form HTML code. Visit View all lists, select your desired list then click 'Subscribe form' at the top of the page.



Note: You can also pass values into custom fields or update them. To do so, use the personalization tag of the custom field as the parameter. Say, your custom field tag is [Birthday,fallback=], you can use the parameter, 'Birthday' to add values to this custom field or update it.

  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.
  2. name user's name (optional)
  3. email user's email
  4. list the list id you want to subscribe a user to. This encrypted & hashed id can be found under View all lists section named ID.
  5. country user's 2 letter country code (optional)
  6. ipaddress user's IP address (optional)
  7. referrer the URL where the user signed up from (optional)
  8. gdpr if you're signing up EU users in a GDPR compliant manner, set this to "true" (optional)
  9. silent set to "true" if your list is 'Double opt-in' but you want to bypass that and signup the user to the list as 'Single Opt-in instead' (optional)
  10. hp include this 'honeypot' field to prevent spambots from signing up via this API call. When spambots fills in this field, this API call will exit, preventing them from signing up fake addresses to your form. This parameter is only supported in Sendy 3.0 onwards. (optional)
  11. boolean set this to "true" so that you'll get a plain text response (optional)

RESPONSE (Plain text)

Success: true

Error: Some fields are missing.

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: Invalid email address.

Error: Already subscribed.

Error: Bounced email address.

Error: Email is suppressed.

Error: Invalid list ID.

This method unsubscribes a user from a list.



  1. email user's email
  2. list the list id you want to unsubscribe a user from. This encrypted & hashed id can be found under View all lists section named ID
  3. boolean set this to "true" so that you'll get a plain text response

RESPONSE (Plain text)

Success: true

Error: Some fields are missing.

Error: Invalid email address.

Error: Email does not exist.

This method deletes a subscriber off a list.



  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.
  2. list_id the id of the list you want to delete the subscriber from. This encrypted id can be found under View all lists section named ID
  3. email the email address you want to delete

RESPONSE (Plain text)

Success: true

Error: No data passed

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: List ID not passed

Error: List does not exist

Error: Email address not passed

Error: Subscriber does not exist

This method gets the current status of a subscriber (eg. subscribed, unsubscribed, bounced, complained).



  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.
  2. email user's email
  3. list_id the id of the list this email belongs to. This encrypted id can be found under View all lists section named ID

RESPONSE (Plain text)

Success: Subscribed

Success: Unsubscribed

Success: Unconfirmed

Success: Bounced

Success: Soft bounced

Success: Complained

Error: No data passed

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: Email not passed

Error: List ID not passed

Error: Email does not exist in list

This method gets the total active subscriber count of a list.



  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.
  2. list_id the id of the list you want to get the active subscriber count. This encrypted id can be found under View all lists section named ID

RESPONSE (Plain text)

Success: You'll get an integer of the active subscriber count

Error: No data passed

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: List ID not passed

Error: List does not exist

This method returns all lists (ids and names) from a particular brand.



  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.
  2. brand_id the id of the brand you want to get the list of lists from. Brand IDs can be found under 'Brands' page named ID.
  3. include_hidden if you want to retrieve lists that are hidden as well, set this to yes. Default is no.


Success: You'll get a list of lists (ids and names) in JSON format

Error: No data passed

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: Brand ID not passed

Error: Brand does not exist

Error: No lists found

This method returns the full list of brands (ids and names) that exists in the Sendy installation.



  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.


Success: You'll get a list of brands (ids and names) in JSON format

Error: No data passed

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: No brands found

This method allows you to create, send or schedule a campaign.

Important note: You must have a cron job setup for sending in order for your campaign to be sent or scheduled via this API. The cron job setup instructions can be found at the 'Define recipients' page (the page where you choose lists to send your campaign to) in a yellow box at the bottom.



  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.
  2. from_name the 'From name' of your campaign
  3. from_email the 'From email' of your campaign
  4. reply_to the 'Reply to' of your campaign
  5. title the 'Title' of your campaign
  6. subject the 'Subject' of your campaign
  7. plain_text the 'Plain text version' of your campaign (optional)
  8. html_text the 'HTML version' of your campaign
  9. list_ids Required only if you set send_campaign to 1 and no segment_ids are passed in. List IDs should be single or comma-separated. The encrypted & hashed ids can be found under View all lists section named ID.
  10. segment_ids Required only if you set send_campaign to 1 and no list_ids are passed in. Segment IDs should be single or comma-separated. Segment ids can be found in the segments setup page.
  11. exclude_list_ids Lists to exclude from your campaign. List IDs should be single or comma-separated. The encrypted & hashed ids can be found under View all lists section named ID. (optional)
  12. exclude_segments_ids Segments to exclude from your campaign. Segment IDs should be single or comma-separated. Segment ids can be found in the segments setup page. (optional)
  13. brand_id Required only if you are creating a 'Draft' campaign (send_campaign set to 0 or left as default). Brand IDs can be found under 'Brands' page named ID
  14. query_string eg. Google Analytics tags (optional)
  15. track_opens Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable and 2 for anonymous opens tracking.
  16. track_clicks Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable and 2 for anonymous clicks tracking.
  17. send_campaign Set to 1 if you want to send the campaign as well and not just create a draft. Default is 0.
  18. schedule_date_time Campaign will be scheduled if a valid date/time is passed. Date/time format eg. June 15, 2021 6:05pm. The minutes part of the time has to be in increments of 5, eg. 6pm, 6:05pm, 6:10pm, 6:15pm.
  19. schedule_timezone Eg. 'America/New_York'. See the list of PHP's supported timezones. This parameter only applies if you're scheduling your campaign with schedule_date_time parameter. Sendy will use your default timezone if this parameter is empty.

RESPONSE (Plain text)

Success: Campaign created

Success: Campaign created and now sending

Success: Campaign scheduled

Error: No data passed

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: From name not passed

Error: From email not passed

Error: Reply to email not passed

Error: Subject not passed

Error: HTML not passed

Error: List or segment ID(s) not passed

Error: One or more list IDs are invalid

Error: One or more segment IDs are invalid

Error: List or segment IDs does not belong to a single brand

Error: Brand ID not passed

Error: Unable to create campaign

Error: Unable to create and send campaign

Error: Unable to schedule campaign

Error: Unable to calculate totals

Sendy API Examples

Below are some example scripts you can download to get an idea about how Sendy's API can be used. On another note, Sendy also provides you with a subscribe form HTML code for every list which you can readily use. Just visit any list and click 'Subscribe form' at the top right.

Simple subscribe → Download

An example on how to use the Subscribe API to add subscribers to a list in Sendy.

Subscribe via AJAX → Download

An example on how to use the Subscribe API to add subscribers to a list in Sendy via AJAX.

Subscribe to multiple lists → Download

An example on how to use the Subscribe API to add subscribers to multiple lists in Sendy. The user will be able to choose from whichever list(s) to subscribe to.

Get active subscriber count for a list → Download

An example on how to use the Active subscriber count API to get the active subscriber count for a particular list.

Get subscription status of an email in a list → Download

An example on how to use the Subscription status API to get the subscription status of a subscriber in a particular list.

Third Party Resources & Integrations

Sendy + Zapier Integration

Zapier's integration with Sendy opens up a whole world of automation! You can integrate Sendy with thousands of apps available in Zapier's app directory.

On the right are a few ready to use "Zaps" to get you started! Alternatively you can visit Zapier and create your own "Zaps" to integrate Sendy with any other apps.

You'd be prompted to signup for a free Zapier account if you don't have one.

Check out Sendy on Zapier

Make integration with Sendy

Make.com lets you integrate Sendy with thousands of other apps and services.

Integrately integration with Sendy

Integrately enables you to integrate Sendy with 1100+ apps in 1 Click. No Learning Curve For Non-techies.

SureTriggers integration with Sendy

SureTriggers is an all-in-one automation platform that lets you integrate apps and services without any coding knowledge.

Pabbly Connect integration with Sendy

Easily integrate Sendy with thousands of apps and services with Pabbly Connect.

Odin AI integration with Sendy

Odin AI is a one-stop solution to simplify and automate work using Generative AI.

n8n.io integration with Sendy

n8n.io is a workflow automation service that allows you to sync data with over 150 apps.

Newsletter Glue integration for Sendy

Newsletter Glue connects Sendy to WordPress. Then lets you build and send newsletters without leaving WordPress. Also includes subscriber forms.

RafflePress integration for Sendy

RafflePress is a WordPress 'giveaway' plugin that lets you create giveaways and contests.

Noptin integration for Sendy

Noptin lets you display Sendy newsletter subscription forms after your blog posts, header, footer and sidebar widget areas. You can also add newsletter subscription checkboxes to your contact, registration, and checkout forms. Finally, you can automatically notify your Sendy subscribers whenever you publish new content to your site.

Convert Pro integration

Convert Pro is a feature rich email opt-in & lead generation plugin. Easily create fast loading and mobile friendly sign up forms with a drag & drop editor.

MailOptin integration with Sendy

MailOptin is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create opt-in forms to capture email addresses and save them in Sendy. It also allows you to create and send email campaigns through Sendy within your WordPress dashboard.

Ninja Popups for WordPress

A very popular and feature rich popup signup form plugin for WordPress.

Gravity Forms Sendy Addon

Gravity Forms Sendy Addon lets you subscribe users using Gravity Forms.

OptinMonster Integration Addon

OptinMonster Sendy Integration Addon is a WordPress plugin that allows you to seamlessly integrate Sendy with OptinMonster.

Sendy Widget Pro

This AJAX WordPress plugin supports subscription to one or multiple lists. Features includes validation of user input before subscribing, subscriber count in front end of widget etc.

Sendy-WPCF (WordPress plugin for Contact Form 7)

Lightweight Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress that integrates with Sendy.

Layered Popups for WordPress

This WordPress plugin lets you easily create stunning signup form pop-ups. Lots of options to choose from. Integrates with Sendy.


ConvertPlus is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create beautiful elements such as Info Bar, Modal Popup, Slide In, Opt-in Widget, etc that call users for action and help you convert more visitors.

Total Support Widget

The Total Support Widget gives you Patreon, 20 social & support links, and Sendy or Mailchimp signup.

MemberPress Integration

Integration between MemberPress WordPress plugin and Sendy.

SeedProd integration ('Coming Soon Page' plugin for WordPress)

Enables subscribing of users to your Sendy list with SeedProd WordPress plugin.

FuseWP - Connect WordPress to Sendy

Automatically Sync WordPress Users, customers, and members in eCommerce and membership plugins with your CRM and Email Marketing software.

eForm - WordPress Form Builder

eForm is a premium WordPress form builder plugin for complete form management solution, quizzes, surveys, data collection, payment / cost estimation and user feedback of all kinds.

Embed Sendy

Embed Sendy allows you to embed subscription forms on your WordPress website for Sendy through different methods, including a widget, shortcode, or as a Gutenberg block.

WP eMember

The WP eMember Sendy Newsletters integration addon allows you to add your members to your sendy.co list when they signup for a membership account.

WP Sendy Newsletter Generator

WP Sendy Newsletter Generator is a simple no frills plugin that creates a simple and clean newsletter template that is mobile friendly and automatically compatible with Sendy.co.

Stripe Payments Sendy Integration

This integration allows you to add customers to any list in Sendy. Each product created using Stripe Payments has a field where you can enter a Sendy List. The email address of your customer will be sent to the specified list after a successful transaction.

KleverList: Simplified WooCommerce Customer Sync with Sendy

KleverList seamlessly synchronize your WooCommerce customer data with Sendy

Woocommerce WordPress plugin for Sendy

Automatically adds WooCommerce Customers name and email to Sendy List after the order status is marked completed.

Sendy WordPress plugin

This WordPress plugin provides an easy, lightweight way to let your users subscribe to a list in Sendy.

Send campaigns from new Wordpress posts

This Wordpress plugin lets you send your latest WordPress posts as email campaigns to your subscribers with minimal effort.

Sendy Integration for WHMCS

This Wordpress plugin integrates WHMCS with Sendy, allowing automatic subscription of new WHMCS clients to your Sendy email lists with minimal effort.


If you use GetSiteControl widgets to collect email addresses of your website visitors, you can easily connect the two apps to avoid having to manually export and import data.

Carrd integration with Sendy

Carrd enables you to build simple, free and fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.

Thrive Leads integration with Sendy

If you use Thrive Leads to collect subscribers and Sendy to send email marketing campaigns, this is for you.

MailMunch integration with Sendy

MailMunch lets you create beautiful opt-in forms without writing a single line of code.

MEGAPACK integration with Sendy

MEGAPACK is a HTML marketing landing pages pack that includes 30+ different landing pages layouts with PixFort Online Builder Access that allows you to create powerful pages with unlimited possibilities.

FLATPACK integration with Sendy

FLATPACK is a HTML marketing landing pages pack that includes 26+ different landing pages layouts with PixFort Online Builder Access that allows you to create powerful pages with unlimited possibilities.

Sendy extension for Ninja Forms

Sendy extension for Ninja Forms lets you subscribe users using Ninja Forms.

Convertful integration with Sendy

Convertful lets you convert visitors into subscribers using behavior-based opt-in forms, without annoying them.

Sendy Extension for Magento 2

This Magento 2 extension syncs 'subscribe' & 'unsubscribe' statuses with your Sendy list(s).

Capture & Create email campaigns from Magento

2-way subscribers management with ability to send email campaigns right in your Magento admin.

Magento 2 Newsletter Popup Extension

This extension allows you to offer special discount codes and promotions in exchange for email signup. Also includes more than 20 built-in responsive popup themes, conversion and revenue tracking, Facebook and Mailchimp integration, display rules, animations, popup triggers and a lot more.

Sendy Module for Drupal

This is a Sendy module for Drupal 7. Capture email addresses of website visitors and maintain an email marketing list of registered users.

KleverList: Simplified WooCommerce Customer Sync with Sendy

KleverList seamlessly synchronize your WooCommerce customer data with Sendy

Woocommerce WordPress plugin for Sendy

Automatically adds WooCommerce Customers name and email to Sendy List after the order status is marked completed.

WooCommerce Product to Sendy List

This plugin for WooCommerce allows you to auto subscribe customers to your Sendy mailing lists after they have purchased particular products.

Sendy Widget Pro

This WordPress plugin integrates Sendy with WooCommerce.

Make's PrestaShop Integrations

Connect PrestaShop to Sendy with Make.

LeadsBridge's Prestashop integration

Connect PrestaShop to Sendy with LeadsBridge.

Sendy Prestashop newsletter module by Hélder Pestana

This module is based on Prestashop's block newsletter module, modified to include the possibility of automatically subscribing users to a given Sendy newsletter. It retains all the functionality of the default newsletter module.

Sendy Prestashop newsletter module by iztoksvetik

This module is similar to Prestashop's native newsletter module. The big difference is that this module saves subscribers directly to your Sendy installation.

Integrating Wufoo with Sendy

Integrates Sendy with Wufoo via Zapier.

WS Sendy Newsletter

Integrates with WHMCS. Eg. when a client is added, or when a client places an order, they're subscribed to a list in Sendy.

Sendy integration with WHMCS

This add-on subscribes, unsubscribes and updates WHMCS Clients to your Sendy lists

Brivium - xenForo Integration with Sendy

This Sendy add-on sends a user's email to any of your Sendy list when the user signs up at your xenForo forum.

Nobita - xenForo Integration with Sendy (Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

This Sendy add-on provides users an easy way to subscribe or unsubscribe to a list in Sendy when they register at your xenForo forum.

Stripo Drag & Drop editor for Sendy

Stripo is an email design platform that lets you create beautiful emails with dynamic content without any HTML skills and export them to Sendy.

Tabular email editor integration with Sendy

Tabular is an email editor that allows you to create responsive emails and seamlessly connects with Sendy. Integrate Tabular to create, edit, and manage email designs for Sendy campaigns.


Activepieces is an open source business automation softwares as a service that lets you automate sales and marketing (Zapier alternative).

Easy Digital Downloads extension for Sendy

This extension integrates your Easy Digital Downloads store with Sendy. Automatically subscribe customers based on what they purchased or subscribe during checkout.

Sendy aMember newsletter plugin

Sendy aMember Newsletter Plugin is seamless integration of Sendy and Amember newsletter module.

Sendy subscriber module for Fork CMS

A Fork CMS module that allows you to create subscriber widgets for Sendy.

Sendy plugin for PencilBlue

A PencilBlue plugin to create Sendy email campaigns from articles.

Sendy Open Cart Integration

Integration between your OpenCart site and your Sendy mailing list.

concrete5 - Subscribe to list on registration and Subscription form

Enables subscription to a Sendy list on user registration as well as a simple form that makes subscriptions to Sendy lists easy on a concrete5 site.

Eventbrite integration with Sendy

A simple webhook receiver that updates a custom field in your Sendy list with a custom value, whenever an order is placed via Eventbrite.

Clever Messenger integration with Sendy

Clever Messenger is an all-in-one chatbot creation & marketing suite. Now integrates with Sendy.

FLATPACK – Landing Pages Pack With Page Builder

FLATPACK is a marketing landing page builder with over 26 different landing page layouts and many more. Now integrates with Sendy.


BookFunnel is a multi-toolbox for authors to market your ebooks, manage downloads, create landing pages and more. Now integrates with Sendy.


SweepWidget is a service that enables you to run contests, giveaways and sweepstakes. Email addresses collected can be sent directly to lists in Sendy.

StoryOrigin integration with Sendy

Send subscribers to your Sendy list and automate delivery of a free book or sample.

Continually integration with Sendy

Continually provides you with a quick and simple way to add chatbots and live chat to your site.

LiveAgent integration with Sendy

Sendy integration for LiveAgent keeps you informed about subscriptions, new customers and sent email campaigns.

MakePlans integration with Sendy

MakePlans is a user-friendly system for appointment booking and event registration. This integration adds new customers to a list in Sendy.


SonicFunnels is a self-hosted sales funnel builder software built with PHP. It enables subscription to a Sendy list via user registration and/or subscription forms.


SonicLMS is a self-hosted, free learning management system built with PHP. It enables subscription to a Sendy list via user registration and/or subscription forms.


Brave lets you create lead capture forms, surveys, quizzes, popups, stickybars and a lot more with its drag and drop visual editor.

Chatbot Daddy

Chatbot Daddy helps you build high-converting, inpage chatbots and conversational forms. No coding required.

Popupsmart integration with Sendy

Popupsmart is a no-code tool that lets you create popups to collect signups, increase e-commerce sales and engage with your visitors.


MillionVerifier is an email verification service. Email list verification, bulk email verifier, email verifier API & automated email verification in one place.

Shopify integration with Sendy

Sync your customer database with Sendy. This application connects your Shopify online store with your own Sendy newsletter installation.

Upviral integration with Sendy

Upviral integrates with your favourite tools.


InApp Mailing Lists is a native mobile app library that simplifies the process of allowing people to subscribe to your Sendy mailing list with a single click. Additionally, it offers an effortless unsubscribe option. You can seamlessly integrate it with your current UI or utilize our sample UI.

Sendy PHP API Wrapper

A PHP API wrapper that interfaces fully with Sendy's API.

Sendy Webhooks

This project allows you to setup webhooks for when using services other than Amazon SES (eg. Mandrill) with Sendy.


SendyRSSPub is a script that pulls an Atom/RSS feed and generates a newsletter using the Sendy API.

Scribe - The Unofficial PHP Sendy API Wrapper

PHP wrapper for Sendy's API.

Sendy PHP Library

A PHP class built to interface with Sendy's API.

RESTful API for Sendy built with Slim

RESTful API for Sendy built with Slim.

Sendy + Laravel 5

A service provider for Sendy API in Laravel 5.

node.js module for Sendy API

A node.js module for Sendy API.


A Sendy client to interact in .Net Core applications with the Sendy API.


Sendy.Net is a .Net library that can be used to interact with Sendy's API.


A Ruby interface for Sendy.


A lightweight and flexible Ruby SDK for Sendy.


A simple Python module to interface with the Sendy API.


A simple Go client to interface with the Sendy API.

Sendy Perl SDK

Perl SDK to Sendy.

Concrete CMS integration

Subscribe Community Store customers to Sendy lists based on products purchased.

Join our newsletter

We send occasional emails with an opt-out link.
See our privacy policy.
