Sendy, in your own language.

Localization instructions

Sendy's codebase supports localization. Sendy uses GNU gettext localization framework for translation.

Download Poedit to translate Sendy (free and available for Windows, Mac and Unix/Linux). Poedit provides a user friendly interface for editing .po files (the file you need to edit to translate Sendy into your own language).

The following instructions will get you started. Please note that all screenshots of Poedit are for the Mac, but you'll see a similar interface for Windows, Unix/Linux.

Lastly, visit the forums to download user contributed translations. You can also contribute your own translations.

  1. Duplicate the default /en_US/ folder from the /locale/ folder.

  2. Give the folder an appropriate name that corresponds with the language you're translating to. For example, if you are going to translate Sendy into German, you'd name it something like de_CH.
  3. You may want to save this language file in your local hard disk for ease of translation.

  1. Launch the default.po file in Poedit.

  2. Select the source text and translate it into your own language.

  3. Don't forget to save after you're done translating.

  1. Upload your language folder (eg. /de_CH/ if you've translated to German) to the /locale/ folder in your Sendy installation.

You can set the language for the main account or any of your brand's account. You will see the language option in the drop down menu if you've uploaded your language folder to the /locale/ folder in the previous step.

  1. Set the language of the main account (your account) in Settings.

  2. Set the language of any brand by editing the brand.

Note: If you're running Sendy on Ubuntu, you need to add proper locales to your system first. Otherwise the language you set will not appear.

Congratulations. You've just translated Sendy into your own language.

Future versions of Sendy will no doubt have new texts added to it which will require you to translate them. Here's how to update your translated default.po file to include the new texts that needs to be translated.

  1. Open your translated default.po file in Poedit.
  2. In the main menu, click Translation > Update from POT File...
  3. Select the default.po file in /locale/en_US/ in the new version of Sendy.
  4. You're now ready to translate the new strings of texts to your own language. Refer to Step 2 & 3.

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Translate Sendy

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