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Setting the time period or limiting how many e-mails is sent per day

edited April 2013 in Questions

Is there a way to limit how many e-mails is sent in 24 hours? We have big quota so that is not a problem, the problem is that we don't want to send that many e-mails at once that our quota allows.

Optimal would be to be able to set a time period, for example 20 days and Sendy would then automatically send the e-mails gradually.


  • Hi Petteri,

    Is there a way to limit how many e-mails is sent in 24 hours?

    This is not supported at this time. When you send a campaign, it sends to the first recipient until the last, there are no options to send a campaign for 20 days. Sorry about that.


  • Out of curiosity, why would you not want to send as quickly as possible? The more of your quota that you use in a well-behaved manner, the more likely that Amazon will increase it.

  • Ok thanks. I hope to see this feature in the future. It should be easy as you already have the SES quota control available, just let user to edit those for campaign.

    Steve, it's just that we want to be careful and control e.g. server load.

  • Hi Petteri,

    I assume that sending newsletters are important to you or your business therefore you have a huge quota. In that case you may want to consider running Sendy on a very capable server or something that lets you scale up when you need to so that you don't have to worry about 'server load' for example.

    Also consider putting Sendy on its own server so any downtime caused by huge operations will be isolated. Sendy is a 'bulk emailing' tool, depending on the size of your subscriber base, the amount of resources used by Sendy can be a lot if your subscriber base is huge.



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