EC2 hosting sending via SES "reached SMTP limit?"
All- I'm hosting on Amazon EC2 and sending via SES. Don't have SMTP settings even set up in Sendy. Got this notice fro Amazon this afternoon- "You recently reached a limit on the volume of email you were able to send out of SMTP port 25 on your instance.", and a link to request the limit be removed Problem is, I'm not sending anything from the instance. Could this be the traffic from Sendy hosting to SES? I've gone through a few hundred thousand sends in the last few months. Are these Sendy notifications ("the send is complete", etc.)? I'd imagine SMTP out from a server instacne would have to be specifically configured in the first place (I'm using free tier/micro instance with a Linux AMI, everything else including PHP/MySQL/Apache installed by hand).
Hi @texasjohn,
If you have AWS Access Keys in your Settings and sending emails through SES, emails are transferred to SES via curl. SMTP is never used.
Check with Amazon on their forum on this?
Best regards,
That's what I thought- and just posted on the forums over there (and searching over there as well). There was one mention of, if Sendy connects to SES via port 25 (even though it's not "sending"), the connections themselves might count- does that even make sense (that's a question for the SES folks, really)? Does Sendy use port 25 to talk to SES?
Hi @texasjohn,
Sendy does not connect to SES via port 25. Unless you are using Amazon SES's SMTP for sending instead of AWS Access Credentials.
If you're using AWS Access Credentials, emails are transferred to Amazon SES for sending via API calls using curl.
Best regards,