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Restore double opt in confirmation email to default

edited August 2019 in Questions


How do I restore the default setting for double opt in email confirmations? I assumed that if the subject line and message area for the custom double opt in confirmations are blank, then Sendy will revert to the default email message and subject for this. Having emptied out the subject line and message area from the custom settings for a particular list that I'm working with, I am unfortunately sending blank double opt in confirmation emails to new subscribers. The subject line seems fine, but there is no content in the email itself...thus, subscribers are unable to confirm. Thanks in advance for your assistance.



  • Hi,

    I suggest just entering content in the email body, as simple as:

    <p>Please <a href="[confirmation_link]">click this link</a> to complete your subscription</p>
    <p>Best regards,<br/>


    Best regards,

  • Thanks Ben, sounds simple and effective.


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