Four requests for features
I just upgraded to the latest version, and unfortunately, it's almost unusable to me because of two things that got changed with version 4.whatever instead of version 3.whatever. Those are the first two things. The third is something I've wanted for awhile, and the fourth is something that would be really great to see added to the Housekeeping tab.
First: "All lists" is now sorted by newest list, and it doesn't give me an option to re-sort it by name. I NEED my lists sorted by name. I have over 200 of them, and I named them specifically to be able to find them easily in the list. "Newest" is totally irrelevant to what I need. "By name" is what I need. It's fine to sort it in a different way by default, but can you please make it possible for me to sort it by name?
Second, and even worse: Templates now does the same thing. I really, really, really, really, really need my templates sorted by name, and again, I have no option to do this. "Newest" is beyond irrelevant to what I need. I have them named so that the ones I need the most frequently are in the front where I can find them easily, and the ones I need the most frequently are NOT the newest. Having them sorted by newest, with no way to change this, makes my templates almost an unusable mess.
Third: I'm not fond of the fact that pagination is forced upon us at 10 items per page. I've never liked that, because it makes life a hassle for me, and now that forced pagination on the Lists page as well as everywhere else. Could you give us an option to display more things per page? I've always wanted an option to show 10 / 50 / 100 / All. I'd prefer to display either 50 / 100 (for things like campaigns I've sent) or All (for Templates and Lists).
Fourth: The new Housekeeping tab is great. Could you give us an option to download did "Did not open" and "Did not click" lists, and not just an option to automatically delete them? I would like to be able to download those lists, send them through an unsubscribe sequence to catch anyone who wants to stay. This is important because sometimes people open, but they don't have images enabled, so no mailing list program can tell they've opened. Because that represents a good 1-3% of never-openers, I don't want to automatically delete never-openers; I want to send them through an unsubscribe sequence to catch those few diamonds that are hiding in the rough.
Would it be possible to implement these? I don't know much about programming, so I could be wrong, but it seems to me like these, in theory, shouldn't be too hard to include in a future update.
Lists are sorted by 'Date added' in the latest
versions. However you can change this default in your brand settings under 'Miscellaneous':Screenshot:

Similarly under ‘Miscellaneous’ in the brand settings, change the number:

For the fourth, it’s not supported but will consider.
Best regards,