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Plain text doesn't show in the preview

edited February 2020 in Troubleshooting

Enter a small paragraph in the Plain Text box and Hit Save & Next Button.
I didn't see my paragraph text in the Newsletter Preview. Click "test send this newsleter" button . I receive the email but no body message.

If I enter the paragraph in the HTML editor, i do see the text in the Newsletter Preview and I do receive the email with the message in the body.



  • Hi,

    The 'Plain text' part of the email is part of the "Multi-part" email that Sendy sends.

    Sendy sends 'multi-part' emails, both 'Plain text' and 'HTML' version are combined into one email and sent to your recipients.

    If your recipient's email clients does not support HTML and can only display plain text emails, the email client will then load the plain text version.

    Best regards,

  • Thank you, Ben.

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