Wordpress Registration Checkbox with Sendy API
Hi, I'm using Toolset forms and am trying to use a User registration form checkbox to subscribe. My PHP is dangerous, but I gave it a shot. Am I close? Suggestions?
add_action('cred_save_data', 'perf_subscribe_action',10,2);
function perf_subscribe_action($post_id, $form_data)
if ($form_data['id']==56)
if (isset($_POST['Keep me up to date']))
$name = get_post_meta($post_id, 'first_name', true);
$email = get_post_meta($post_id, 'email', true);
$sendy_url = 'http://mywebsite.com';
$list = 'MyListID';
$api_key = 'MyAPIkey';
$postdata = http_build_query( array( 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'list' => $list, 'api_key' => $api_key, 'boolean' => 'true' ) ); $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $postdata)); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $result = file_get_contents($sendy_url.'/subscribe', false, $context); echo $result; } }