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Best way to resend campaign to those that did not yet read it?

edited September 2020 in Questions

Dear Forum Members,

We would like to resend a campaign to those recipients of a campaign that have not yet opened the email.

Which is better:

  1. Download 'not opened' from within the campaign to then duplicate the campaign and only send to this list, or
  2. Create a new segment called 'last active before the campaign date' and send the duplicate campaign on to this segment?

Will there be actually a difference between these two lists, i.e. 'no opened' or 'last active'?

To us it seems that creating a new segment called 'last active' is easier.

What do you recommend?

We very much appreciate your advice.

Many thanks,

Pairfum London


  • Hi,

    Exporting the unopens CSV will be more accurate than creating a segment for 'last active'. Although creating a segment would be more convenient.

    The next version we'll be looking at a better way to do this.


    Best regards,

This discussion has been closed.