Welcome and thank you emails not being sent
Since yesterday Sendy is not sending any Welcome/ Thank you emails to new subscribers. However, it is recording their email id in the list.
I run it using Amazon SES, and did some troubleshooting myself -
First, I suspected AWS SES was not linked or broken but when I checked worked fine --> I have another plugin POST SMTP which uses the same AWS SES email. I tried sending a test email using that and it worked fine.
Second, I tried creating a new campaign on Sendy and tried SEND TEST MAIL option and it worked. I got the campaign email. So campaign emails are working.
Third, I went to Sendy dashboard and made sure this is checked --> "Send user a thank you email after they subscribe through the subscribe form or API?" It was already checked.
Then, when I went to my website (www.asklearning.in) and filled the subscribe form there, it didn't send me the thank you email. Then, I checked my Sendy dashboard and noticed that it had recorded my email id in the list but I didn't get the thank you email. I also tried with different systems and email id's but the problem persisted.
I use Hustle plugin to embed the Sendy subscribe form on my website. One sample page is ---> https://www.asklearning.in/ielts-speaking-topics-january-to-april-2021/
My server is on AWS EC2 with Ubuntu (also updated yesterday) and my web server is OpenLiteSpeed (also updated yesterday). Sendy runs as a virtual host on OpenLiteSpeed.
Things have been working great for the last two years and I am quite happy with Sendy. Kindly help me resolve this issue.
Please review the following pointers:

Also, please check your 'Amazon SES Reputation Dashboard' to see if your account status is 'Healthy':

Best regards,
Hi Ben
I got this resolved...
All the things mentioned in your email were in place, from email address, DKIM, ses region, ses reputation. All were set and healthy.
The problem was that I was using a third party plugin to embed the form on my website. I removed it, and resorted to HTML/CSS. Embedded the code myself. Now it works.
Thank you,