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Verifying domain in Amazon SES

edited September 2023 in Questions

Hi. I'm trying to set up sendy on a subdomain of our website, I would like to verify the domain in the DNS zone for SES but another part of our organisation already uses SES with a different mailer (it's being replaced by sendy but we are very much in transition). My concern is that the domain has a bunch of DNS entries relating to SES/AWS with that system, and if I add the ones which it will generate for sendy it may break the working live setup. Or can I add multiple DNS lines for using two versions of our SES activities?

Right now rather than try to verify the domain, I've verified a single email address for sending but SES is still complaining that "Your 'From email' or its domain is not verified in your Amazon SES console." so it won't send. The single email address shows as verified in the SES console though. The implication is that the domain verification is optional? But it's not working using a verified email address. Currently in sandbox mode.


  • Hi,

    You can just add the 3 x CNAME records to verify your domain, it won't affect any existing setup.


    Best regards,

  • Thanks Ben, will try that

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