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Emails not sending

edited July 2014 in Troubleshooting


I installed and acquired Amazon SES service, still on sandbox mode but with Domain Verified and DKIM Authentication. I'm sending a test campaign (only 3 recipients) by clicking on 'Send Now' I get an ok message saying that the campaign has been sent, but the quota says 0 / 200 sent on the App and on Amazon SES backend.

I think the best way for you to test this is by giving you the access to the Sendy installation I made. When you reply I can give you my access credentials in a private message.

Thanks in Advance


  • Hi,

    Please request for 'Production access' and try sending again?


    Best regards,

  • Ha!, it works now!. One more question: what's the easiest way to make sendy multi-brand? I would like to let users to create its own brands that only that user can access? Is it possible?

  • Hi,

    You can create 'Brands' in Sendy, then send your client their login email and password. They'll login and will be able to see and manage only their lists and campaigns.


    Best regards,

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