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SNS Topic not available in SES

edited August 2014 in Troubleshooting

I'm having some trouble setting up bounce/complaints for the verified sender emails in SES. In SNS the bounce and complaints topics seem to setup ok, with the Subscription ID appearing when the topics and subscriptions are created, but those topics do not show up in SES when attempting to add them to notifications for the verified emails.

I've tried all the suggestions I could find in the forum and FAQ, and followed the Getting Started instructions with one variation, using https instead of http, without success. The entire domain is under https. When http is used, the Subscription ID remains pending. The region is correct (N Virginia, us-east-1), the verified sender email is the Sendy email sender, that user has full permissions in IAM to SNS. Apart from bounce/complaints, everything else seems to work fine if I ignore the warning.

What am I missing?


  • Hi,

    Do you mean your issue is - you setup bounces & complaints SNS topics but when you want to set 'Notifications' for your verified email, the SNS topics does not appear in the drop down menus?

    If so, can you check if both your SNS topics and SES verified emails are in the same region?


    Best regards,

  • Ah. I guess the edit to the pending message did not take. I resolved it shortly after posting the original message.

    Yes, the problem was as you described, though it was more of a d'oh! moment. The topics did not show up because I did not realized there was a scrollbar for the topic list. By accident I discovered it, scrolled down, and there they were.

    Maybe this will help someone else who does not notice the hidden scroll bar when setting up notifications in SES.

    You can close this thread. Thx for the reply.

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