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Opens & clicks are not being tracked

edited January 2013 in Troubleshooting


I sent an HTML email to 15 test mails and I had access to all of them. Email was sent successfully and Opens & Clicks were tracked properly. Same day I sent another HTML email to my 5000 original customer list (All Subscribed). The only difference between the lists was the Name info missing for 5000 emails. Again Email was sent successfully but no Opens & Clicks tracked.
At that time, my SES available quota was 9985 emails.
What wrong happened with, please help.



  • Hi @salmanahmad,

    Please PM me your Sendy installation URL, email and password so that I can check your HTML code.

    Also let me know which newsletter you're referring to.



  • Please note that I sent another email couple of minutes back. Again it was 6 test email list sent WITHOUT contact names and email delivery, open & click tracking everything was OK.

    So my suspicion for emails without names is now ruled out.

    Other variables could be:
    1- My real contacts (5000) are all from USA and test emails are local ones.
    2- Real email list is 5000 and test emails are just 10-15 (does list size matter?)

    Is there any chances that my newsletters NOT being tracked based on above reasons?



  • @salmanahmad

    Thanks for the login details.

    I logged in but did not find any newsletters sent to 5,000 recipients?


  • The one with 0 recipients was actually sent to 5K list.
    In case I omitted to select a list before sending newsletter, can Sendy send out an email without selecting a list? Is it possible?

  • @salmanahmad

    The reason why there was no opens and clicks activity, is because the newsletter was sent to 0 recipients.

    I'm not sure how it slipped through, but if you send a newsletter to 0 recipients, there will never be opens and clicks activities on your newsletter because there is no one there to open or click it.

    Make sure you select at least 1 list before sending out your next newsletter.



  • Okay.

    So what I have to do is send this same newsletter to the same 5000 list and confirm that List was SELECTED properly and that it was delivered to all email IDs.

    If I still find any issues, will let you know.

    Many thanks Ben.

    You are not the 2nd SuperMan, You are the 1st SendyMan :)

  • You are not the 2nd SuperMan, You are the 1st SendyMan :)

    Haha. :)

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