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Passing Additional Fields NOT in List

edited May 2015 in Questions

As mentioned in the doc you can pass custom fields such as Birthday and also Sendy requires at least an email when posting via API.

I am writing a plugin for a popular membership content script to interface with Sendy and was wondering what would happen if you send additional fields that are NOT in the list you are subscribing/unsubscribing to/from?

For example if I pass Name, Email, Birthday and Anniversary to the list and the Birthday and Anniversary fields are NOT in the list, will Sendy just ignore the extra fields or will it cause some unknown issue?

From my experience it seems to ignore unmatched fields however I wanted to verify that it is not going to cause an issue before deploying it to hundreds of sites.

Thank you for your time, knowledge and assistance.

-- Gerry


  • Hi,

    was wondering what would happen if you send additional fields that are NOT in the list you are subscribing/unsubscribing to/from?

    Sendy would just ignore the custom field values you passed into it, even though the custom fields themselves aren't created in the list. There won't be any problems.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

  • Ben,

    Thank you for the clarification on additional fields. This was the expected behavior.

    -- Gerry

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