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Add ability to send test emails to lists

edited January 2013 in Suggestions

In advanced phase of email preparation, we send test emails to cca 5-8 people in our company, later even to clients, before production sending.
For this purpose it will be great to have ability to send test emails to single emails (like now) or to whole lists, so we can have lists like "Test INTERNAL" and "TEST CLIENT A".
I guess there should be some protection to send emails accidentaly to large production groups. Maybe there can be checkbox in list config, where we can check something like:
[x] Allow sending test emails to this list


  • Hi @maxim,

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    There are 2 ways you can send test emails to your team.

    1. Use the 'test send' feature, you can add multiple emails separated by commas into the text field to send a test to multiple recipients of your team.

    2. Create list of your test recipients. Send a campaign to this list for the test. Then duplicate the campaign when it's time to send it out for real. On the subject of protection, you can prefix it with [Test list] or similar so that you know you're sending to a test list.

    That's both ways you can go about sending tests emails to any number of recipients.



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