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Filter duplicate emails in lists

edited September 2012 in Suggestions
When sending an email campaign, if the same email address is included 15 times, it will send the newsletter to the same email address 15 times. It should identify the duplication and only send it once to any particular email address.


  • Thanks, this will change on the next update.
  • Would setting up a unique key/pair on the subscribers table circumvent this issue in the mean time? like combining list+email into a 'key', so it can only get one record. Thoughts ?
  • @devkat That's a good idea, but I've already solved this by using 'GROUP BY email' in various parts of the sending code. It's be in the next update.
  • edited September 2012
    This would be a good idea, I have 2 lists that have some emails in both. I had to make a script to delete them because I never knew it it would send twice.

    EDIT: Just seen its on the latest version.
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