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How do I see why emails bounced?

edited April 2013 in Questions

How can I see the reasons for bounced emails in Amazon SNS ?


  • Hi @scalar,

    There are only 2 reasons why emails bounced (and you won't be able to see it in Amazon SNS):

    1. Hard bounce (email does not exist)
    2. Soft bounce (email exist but your email cannot reach the inbox due to mailbox being full or temporarily unavailable)

    When an email is marked as bounced in Sendy, it's a hard bounce.

    Sendy also handles soft bounces but it's invisible to you. If an email soft bounced, it will be marked as 'soft bounce' in the database. If an email is repeatedly marked as 'soft bounce' for the third time, it will be marked as hard bounce, at which time you will be able to see it marked as bounced in your list or the report.



  • Thanks, but is there a way to know if an email bounced because of a full mailbox for example (soft bounce) ?
    ot, the only way is to allow email notifications in amazon ses ?

  • Hi @scalar,

    You can check the database directly via phpmyadmin or similar, under bounce_soft column, in subscribers table.


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