Emails not delivered by SES
ok, here the issue.
I'm on windows and the setup is perfect [v].
Crons, csv crons, uploads, imports, scheduled etc are all working great.
I can even send test email of a camapign successfuly and delivered to my inbox from ses.
So, when I send a campaing to a list (4 recipients all of mine mailboxes), the campaign reports that has delivered successfuly.
I then check the ses console after minutes, and noticed the increased number of deliveries, so ses is also a success.
But the actual emails do not arrive to the mail boxes, never.
I 've domain verification done on ses.
I;m on ses production 10.000 / 5 per sec
DKIM enabled, spf's, cmanes, perfect configuration on ses.
So, any thoughts?
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Hi lefteris,
Since sending works perfectly for you in Sendy and are confirmed in your SES console but your emails aren't delivered, I'd suggest posting your question on Amazon SES forum.
Ok, fixed.
The problem was not on the side of ses but from the scheduled cron.
What I did first, was to setup a scheduled task [windows as said before] with command line "php.exe scheduled.php".
Althought import csv did the job correclty, the scheduled.php did not work properly due to the execution context (could not parse includes successfuly).
The I setup the cron to run with a powershell script to download the scheduled.php from a http context eg: http://mysend/scheduled.php (you can do this also with wget or curl for windows).
Everything works fine now. Yes, on Windows I can verify that your script is working great.
Another issue is that I get the following ses error notice in php log:
SimpleEmailService::SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled(): Sender - InvalidParameterValue: Identity is invalid. Must be a verified email address or domain.
Request Id: 5aa6f261-aa67-11e2-8521-959952af3e18
I have verified the whole domain successfuly and DKIM enabled and not just a single sender email.
The campaigns I send delivers Ok, and have not got warnings or rejects on ses console.
Any thoughts?
Hi lefteris,
Is this domain verified at your SES console →
If you've already verified this domain in your SES console and getting this notice, you may want to check with Amazon at the SES forum