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Error font Vietnamese

edited April 2013 in Troubleshooting

When I dark ups customer list then faulty font Vietnamese place customer name
Where do I have to overcome this font error
people to help with me


  • Hello,

    Do you mean Vietnamese fonts aren't displayed properly? Can you send me the Vietnamese text in question so I can test it on my side?



  • edited April 2013

    Example: Lê Hữu Phước.
    Filed Name not understand font Vietnamese
    help me

  • Hi @teotoni,

    Sendy sets the character set to utf8 by default in 1.1.6. It looks like Vietnamese characters needs to use utf16.

    I've added a fix in 1.1.6 yesterday so that you can set the character set to utf16 to display characters like Vietnamese.

    Please re-download Sendy at and re-upgrade your current installation.

    Then include the following line in your /includes/config.php file right after define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');

    $charset = 'utf16';

    Sendy will use utf16 which will in turn write and retrieve Vietnamese characters correctly from the database.



  • edited April 2013

    I was update version 1.1.6 and after define ('COOKIE_DOMAIN',''); additional $ charset = 'utf16';
    but not yet
    help me

  • Hi @teotoni,

    Please re-download 1.1.6 from and re-upgrade.

    Then add $charset = 'utf16' to config.php.



  • @teotoni,

    I received your Sendy login credentials from your other thread, logged in and found that you're not upgraded to 1.1.6. The interface is not from 1.1.6. As mentioned, please re-download 1.1.6 from and re-upgrade.



  • I have upgraded and hen add $charset = 'utf16' to config.php.
    I see still error font Vietnamese
    sendy login sendy and support is not considered right to try and help me with

  • @teotoni Try going to settings and set your company name again?

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