Thank you and Hello
Hello All:
I didn't see an "Introduce yourself" thread. Feel free to move this as needed.
I wanted to say I am a recent convert to Sendy. It is working well. I dont have a twitter account @Ben. I wanted to let you know I am most thankful for your work here. I look forward to using to Sendy and all the new features you might be working on.
Thank you,
Just a regular guy.
Thank you Brent! Messages like this keeps me going. Thank you.
You are most welcome. If I can help or you would like to somehow post that in testimonials. Or if you want something better. let me know.
You have a great app and great support. I know I've bugged you over the last year of using Sendy for my support needs and you've been nice, patient and helpful. Once I finally had all my server configuration nailed down and ironed out, the rest has been smooth sailing.
Hat's off to Ben for all the work he does!!
Thank you @GPZs! I appreciate it!
@Ben, I am a new user... converted from Mautic (just an FYI...)... From review of your 8+ years of development and support I really appreciate what you are doing. As a fellow developer, its easy to be under appreciated/valued. You have a wonderful thing going here. Keep up the great work. Future success to you and your team(s).
Thank you @cjackson! Good to hear from someone who can relate as well. All the best to you too!
@Ben, I recently started using sendy, this is the best newletters software. I know you and your team must have spent lot of time and efforts to develop this. I really appreciate you and your teams effort!
I also regret why I have not explored sendy before. It was so easy to setup.
Many thanks!
Thanks @Sat! Glad you like it and find it easy to setup.
Another thanks is in order for @Ben with the Gmail outage, he has helped right away with this as well. Thanks, Mr. Ben!!