I'd be really interested in this too - I know there is some code out there, but I'm kind of loathe to start meddling with the core files myself...
Boom, all up and running - thanks very much for your help Ben, really appreciated!
Ben sorry I guess I misread the docs
I didnt realise i needed calls to both the scheduyled and the autoresponder php files.
I've set them up on another server wget url/scheduled.php for every 5 mins and every 1 min for the autorespond… -
I'll try a full upgrade now (only downloaded it yesterday, so should have the latest version already).
I primarily want sendy to send autoresponder emails - does that have to have a cron run every minute?
Also, even if I put in the browser I still see the 'cron configuration modal window' when I click on Autoresponders.... I'm guess tha…
Hey Ben, I wondered about every minute as thats specifically what is mentioned in the cron modal window..
"This command needs to be run every minute in order to check the database for any autoresponder emails to send. You'll need to set y…