Help with Bounces
I get customers wondering why they stopped getting my email. I look to see that Sendy has the customer set to have Bounced. However, the email is valid.
What am I supposed to do here? There is no way to change the bounce status via the UI. I could go into the database. However, why does this happen?
I am aware of this...
I did get that fixed. But I am just looking for more data as to why this customer was set to bounced. And it would be great if this could be updated without going into the database.
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Hi Joe,
Emails marked as 'bounced' in your list are marked by Amazon through Amazon SNS notifications to your Sendy 'bounces' endpoint. When an email is bounced, the email is invalid or does not exist. Amazon is the party marking your email as bounced, then relaying it to Sendy. Sendy only receives notifications from Amazon SNS when an email is marked as bounced then registers it in your Sendy list(s) accordingly.
The reason why it’s not possible to change ‘Bounced’ status back to ‘Active’ in the UI is because repeatedly sending to bounced email addresses may cause Amazon to suspend your account.
Please also visit the 'Suppression List Removal' page in your Amazon SES console to remove the email addresses that were bounced:

Best regards,