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Send email status success, but email not received

edited May 2015 in Troubleshooting

Send Email status success, but email not received.


  • Hi,

    1. Ensure that you have requested Amazon to raise your 'SES Sending Limits' to get out of 'Sandbox mode' ?
    2. Check that you have verified your 'From email' or its domain in your Amazon SES console, see Step 6 of the Get Started Guide
    3. If you attempted to verify any emails or domains in your Amazon SES console and the status is 'failed', please either complete the verification or remove the 'failed' email or domain
    4. If you attempted to verify the sending domain's DKIM and it's in 'pending' or 'failed' status, please either complete the verification or do not verify DKIM at all

    Best regards,

  • Hi Ben,

    Thanks for fast response. It work after verify the email.

    Thanks :)

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